August 3, 2015
by Linda Mae

The moment approaches
when the Eagle flies to the Sun
and the Shining Glory of Life
Bridges the inner and the outer
in a marvelous dance of Unity.

My back is to the fence
and the path before me is clear.
Green grass swaying to either side
as I walk, not alone, to the Sun.

I revel in the refreshing beauty
of this path,
Sprinkling my life
with buttercups and daisies
and the sweet refrains of birdsong.

The blanketing sky shines translucent
A gentle creek babbles softly by
A zephyr sets the trees and grasses
Softly waving to pondering rocks…

The path is level,
with a few twists and turns
to keep it fresh and interesting
and to beckon ever onward.

What wonderful promises await!

michael mirdad