Our Spiritual Leader

A “teacher’s teacher” and a “healer’s healer.”

Michael Mirdad is a world-renowned spiritual teacher, healer, and author with an extensive background in spirituality and healing. He is the author of the best-selling books Healing the Heart & SoulThe Dark Night of the SoulCreating Fulfilling RelationshipsThe Heart of A Course in Miracles, and You’re Not Going Crazy . . . You’re Just Waking Up! Michael has often been a keynote speaker at some of the world’s largest conferences, as well as being on radio, television, and various Internet programs. In addition to being the cover feature several times in Evolve Magazine, Michael has also been featured in such magazines as Yoga Journal, Sedona Journal, and Whole Self Times. He has traveled throughout the world for 40 years conducting thousands of classes, lectures, and workshops on spirituality, relationships, healing, and the awakening of the Christ within. His powerful and insightful private sessions have transformed the lives of thousands of clients. His vast knowledge and wisdom combined with his personal warmth, humor, and integrity have earned him the title of “Teacher’s Teacher” and “Healer’s Healer” from students, teachers, and authors around the world.


About Michael Mirdad & Sacred Sunday Services

Michael speaks from his heart and reaches directly to the heart of his audiences. His entertaining anecdotes combine perfectly with his wealth of knowledge and passion for teaching. But one of the things I love most about him is his commitment to teaching Christ Consciousness. I respect and love Michael so much for being unafraid to be who he is and for blazing trails back into Oneness. Michael Mirdad heals with his very presence and words.
Dr. Doreen Virtue, Author, Angel Cards,
Dear Michael: You are such an inspiration and have taught me so much about what it means to be on a Spiritual Path and strive for Christ Consciousness. You have opened up my mind and heart to a whole new level and for that I will always be grateful. Your humor, mixed with a deep teaching for everyday life, is just outstanding! You have a gift that is extraordinary and wonderful. You get through to people and relate on a personal and everyday life level. We have been searching for a place to hear about God for 17 years (without any luck) and then we came to Sedona and found you!
– Anonymous,
Last Sunday’s message was incredible. I needed to hear that. My husband and I were blown away. In addition, Ariana Saraha’s performance was absolutely magical. We were visiting for the weekend and hope to be back soon. Thank you for the wonderful experience. Many blessings…
I love your Sunday service. Your talks always touch my heart so deeply. Words that I could never speak but think and feel. God Bless you deeply and great sermons that touch our hearts.
The message last Sunday REALLY spoke to me (as all your brilliant sermons do!) and gave me what I needed. Thank You!!! Also, I truly loved the music that was played, which got the whole entire congregation up dancing with such high energy that was absolutely awesome to experience and see! It was absolutely incredible how truly happy, energized, and connected everyone was. I am in awe of Michael’s brilliantly woven, deeply profound, and relevant messages from so many diverse disciplines and sources of knowledge that he so profoundly integrates within himself and from which he speaks. I have never heard anything like it ever from anyone and I am so GRATEFUL he is still here in Sedona. What a great blessing, privilege, and honor it is to be in his wisdom and energy!

In-Person & Online Courses

The Global Center for Christ Consciousness is pleased to provide many ways for people to be a part of the continual development of our Spiritual Center. Our Center, and all of our projects, are built and maintained with a spirit of collaboration, which is why we sometimes request (and always appreciate) the support of our attendees.

We have identified several ongoing programs listed below where monthly donations would be most welcome.

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The Global Center for Christ Consciousness is pleased to provide many ways for people to be a part of the continual development of our Spiritual Center.