
Read what people are saying about
The Global Center for Christ Consciousness.

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The Global Center for Christ Consciousness, send us an email.

About Michael Mirdad & Sacred Sunday Services

"I just wanted to say that the Sunday service on January 2nd, 2022 was wonderful, mind blowing, fantastic, every other beautiful word I can think of. I have watched it three times and get very happily emotional. I've never seen or heard anything so amazing. Michael Mirdad is a very beautiful soul. God bless him, all of you."
"Michael speaks from his heart and reaches directly to the heart of his audiences. His entertaining anecdotes combine perfectly with his wealth of knowledge and passion for teaching. But one of the things I love most about him is his commitment to teaching Christ Consciousness. I respect and love Michael so much for being unafraid to be who he is and for blazing trails back into Oneness. Michael Mirdad heals with his very presence and words."
– Dr. Doreen Virtue, Author, Angel Cards,
"Michael is a bright light glowing with wisdom and heart. I deeply respect his work, which offers integrity and vision. I love this man, and so will you."
– Alan Cohen, Author, The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore,
WOW! What a powerful message by Michael at yesterday's Sacred Sunday Service. So uplifting and inspirational. Also, I like the messages that are shown on the two screens before the start of the service. Very helpful. Thank you for everything!
– Sharon,
"I love your Sunday service. Your talks always touch my heart so deeply. Words that I could never speak but think and feel. God Bless you deeply and great sermons that touch our hearts."
– Marie,
"Michael: I must comment on yesterday’s message.  As a matter of fact, I should include last Sunday also. You are ON FIRE!  Yesterday was especially pertinent as an avid believer in meditation, affirmations and visualizations. Your message was a great eye opener to many and a wonderful reminder to me that these distinctions are important. Although they all serve a purpose, the assumption that everyone is aware of the difference should not be taken for granted when I am recommending one of them as a guide for a client. Thank you again for being on target and a wonderful inspiration. Namaste!"
– DL, AZ,
"Michael: I attended the service this past Sunday, and just wanted to thank you for a heart-filled sacred time together. I, myself, am a spiritual leader, leading a community in MA. Your journey and teaching is compelling, love-filled, and relevant. Thank you for helping me renew and replenish my own wellsprings."
– Manish, MA,
"Before I came to Sacred Sunday Service, my body was so stiff I could barely move. I was in so much pain I couldn’t bend my fingers. (I have osteo-arthritis & rheumatism very bad.) During the Sunday service, I could feel my body and hands relax, and I am not in pain anymore! God Bless You in Light & Love."
– KS, AZ,
"Dear Friends: I want to thank you for all that we have and all that we receive each Sunday with Michael Mirdad as our Spiritual Leader. I know that we have come to appreciate what we have in him and receive from him. But a few other attendees and myself were talking last week and concluded something profound: There are few places on earth wherein week after week, a teacher delivers such messages that are always extraordinarily deep, healing, and applicable. Michael delivers 5-star talks every week and we’ve never seen him miss a beat. But the most profound revelation we had was how hard this must be on some of the attendees. They arrive and sometimes expect a run-of-the-mill Sunday lecture and what they get is possibly too much for them. I think one can tell how evolved one is by how many of Michael’s talks they can handle–energetically."
– AW, Sedona,
"This past Sunday was…what’s a perfect word? Hmm, I don’t know…I just started to cry, a sweet cry not one of sadness. Maybe recognition…like I recognized your words at such a deep level..I had come home that Sunday again…as happens so many times when you teach. So many thanks again and again, and again."
- Anonymous,
"This month’s newsletter is heart-touching, as was the New Year’s Eve service. God Bless you for all you have done here in Sedona and for all you will do for other ones in the future. It is comforting to know you will remain here a few more years. I commend you for recognizing and listening to your inner calling AND thank you for being You. My life is certainly blessed to have these amazing years with you and your teachings. I am and will be forever grateful. You make a huge difference in the lives of many. Looking forward to the remaining few years of your continuing presence in Sedona." 
– NS,
"Three years ago, I came to Sedona to visit a friend and attend the 2012 Festival, at your center. I then was able to attend one of your Sacred Services as well. When I stepped into the Sanctuary, the love was palpable to me. I was amazed at how “at home” I felt. When my “guest bead necklace” was given to me, I felt acknowledged, appreciated and valued for who I am, regardless of my past. No one judged me or questioned why I was there. My first thought was, “Wow, this is what church is supposed to feel like."
– RM,
"Last weekend Michael gave a talk on a topic that was decided seconds before, when someone shouted out a request for him to talk about “surrender.” Instead of it becoming a rushed thing for him to “think up” something to say, it somehow ended up being one of the best lectures we’ve ever seen/heard here. This not only confirmed that Michael usually spontaneously channels most of what he teaches and does it so well, it also confirmed that he is clearly one of the best spiritual teachers of our time. Also, I can’t think of a single teacher who can teach on such a diverse number of topics as Michael, nor at his level of depth. It’s absolutely astounding to watch/experience."
– KB,

"Absolutely amazing amazing place. Lovely people, great spirit, amazing energy, good vibes. Truly feel the magic and the energy! Michael is amazing and Jeff is amazing! Thank you for the most memorable weekend of my life! Yvette and I are forever grateful"

-L & Y,

Special Events & Workshops

"The Awakening Christ Consciousness 4 day intensive was powerful, profound and a joy to participate in. The four consecutive days went by quickly and I didn't want it to end. I soaked it up like a sponge and wanted more! I had the feeling I should take this class. The feeling returned again and again that I needed to take this class. I'm so glad I listened to the feelings and urgings to register for it because the class took me to new levels of understanding and an even deeper connection to God and Christ Consciousness than I could have imagined. I realize now that I cannot afford to NOT take Michael Mirdad's classes and this was worth every penny. Thank you, Michael, for your dedication to sharing your wisdom and knowledge through your courses, facebook groups, Sacred Sunday morning messages and everywhere else you give a talk. "
~MS (Awakening Christ Consciousness 2021),
"I have to say that Michael's workshop on Christ Consciousness was incredible, and even that doesn't begin to describe it. This class was so deep, it truly resonated with my soul. I especially loved the advanced tracking exercise and the use of writing as we connected to (or channeled) our inner. Both of those were amazing. I am so very grateful that I took this class and felt blessed to share the experience with so many wonderful souls. It has changed me in a wonderful way, helping me along my path of awakening the Christ within. Thank you Michael for this class and all that you and your team do. You are truly bringing the Light of God to the world."
~Cheryl (Awakening Christ Consciousness 2021),
"This was such a fantastic class, Thank you MM for teaching and sharing all of this information to all who wish to learn more and go deeper into the consciousness of Christ. The more I learn and the deeper I go, the more I want to learn even more on the path home."
~ MS, Sedona (Awakening Christ Consciousness 2021),
"The words and the music that led to dancing so inspired me and others. I know it can transform our suffering world!"
– Sandra Wasko Flood (Ananda Yogiji "Flow Like A River" Concert, November 28, 2021),
"I felt blessed to hear his enchanting voice. He performs with deep feelings of passion and emotion that strikes a chord in my being. He is spectacularly talented. It is a matter of time before he becomes one of the top performing artists in his genre. Thank you, Ananda!"
– Angel Guevara (Ananda Yogiji "Flow Like A River" Concert, November 28, 2021),
"Heartfelt, powerful connecting rhythms send the audience into Dreamtime. So grateful for the combination of ancient Kirtan and moving poetry with Ananda's contribution. The feeling created by the synergy of the band, the resonance of sound and the exchange with others awakened dormant parts of my soul. The experience offered a sense of freedom and the feeling of Home."
– Kesha Engel (Ananda Yogiji "Flow Like A River" Concert, November 28, 2021),
"John Dumas is a unique, masterful, musician and down-to-earth storyteller who guides his audience on beautiful, deep and powerful sound journeys. I love his authenticity, humor and ability to bring incredible experiences to life through his amazing musical gifts. My heart is full and overflowing."
– Harmony Blanchard (John Dumas, "Dreamtime" Concert, November 20, 2021),
"John Dumas' concert was out of this world! We traveled around the world and experienced his music as if we were there! My energy was off the charts. It was a great space for our own inner healing too."
– Dr. Lori Smiskol (John Dumas, "Dreamtime" Concert, November 20, 2021),
"This was the best class of Michael’s I have ever experienced. I am so happy it was filmed to make into a dvd. I was especially moved by the exercise Michael facilitated with the one woman talking to her dad. I felt a huge release merely as an observer! The chaplain healing circle was amazing–so much there that I could relate to…"
– HB, Sedona (July 2016),

The Crystal Bed Healing Room

"I did a crystal bed session after having a private session with Michael Mirdad and then went hiking afterwards. During the hike, I noticed I had a sharp pain on top of my foot. So I took my shoe off and found what looked like a surgical incision mark—which remained for over a week." 
– JM,
"During my experience in the crystal bed, I had my first vision/very real/where the soul of a recently departed loved one came to me to let me know they were okay. The next thing I knew, other people showed up—even one who had committed suicide—and spoke to me. The crystal bed experience was huge for me." 
– DC,
"During and after my session in the healing room (crystal bed), the facilitator and I could see an orb of light flying around the room. It would appear and then disappear and then reappear again—sometimes moving slowly and sometimes fast. It almost felt like it was a faerie or something like that."
– FB,

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