Our Chaplains

Our Chaplain Program

The Chaplain Program at The Global Center for Christ Consciousness (which includes Chaplains from around the world) is basically a training in Miracle Working. Our Chaplains are trained in three levels of spiritual Apostleship or Ministering to the Soul. This training and sacred commitment includes Prayer, Spiritual Counseling, and Hands-On Healing. Therefore, our Chaplains are available to help others on several levels and can be of service (at no charge) after each of our Sacred Sunday Services or through private appointments (which can be for 15 minutes at no charge OR longer at a love-offering basis).

At The Global Center for Christ Consciousness, we believe that being a Chaplain is not unlike being an Apostle of Christ. Therefore a Chaplain holds a commitment to “Preach the gospel (teach) and heal the sick (through advanced forms of Prayer, Spiritual Counseling, and Hands-On Healing).” Besides actively doing healing and prayer work, our Chaplains also have some official responsibilities to our spiritual center and our spiritual family, which include a continuing path of personal growth and healing, prayer, meditation, and holding sacred space during our services. We also ask our Chaplains to support our Board and our Spiritual Leader. Lastly, but not least, we ask our Chaplains to do their best to demonstrate their commitment to our spiritual center by volunteering on occasion and making consistent tithes or donations.

Essentially, a Chaplain chooses to behold the Christ Presence in each person and situation and facilitates others to claim it for themselves. A Chaplain also acknowledges and calls upon the Power and Presence of God—knowing that it is not us who do the work, but God that works in and through us. All requests for prayer and healing are handled in strict confidentiality.

A 3-part definition of our role as Chaplains is as follows:

1. Connect with God
2. Surrender self
3. Serve and Assist others

Active Chaplains

Being an “active” Chaplain means the person has trained in all three levels of our program and continues to uphold the conditions for maintaining their status. The following is a list of all of our “active” Chaplains. Our Chaplains are from all around the world and are dedicated to their work/service. Our “Active Chaplains” will pray, offer counseling, or share hands-on healing with anyone who requests such after each Sunday service. They are usually introduced during our services or are found wearing name tags.

Becky Parker
Bonnie Green
Brian Dunn
Cathryn Miller
Cheryl Harris
Christine Wilson
Cyndi Reynolds
Dalia (Dee) Conde-Camargo
Dan Cross
Danielle Oyler
Dawn Bogar
Debra Campbell
Deshanda Curtain-Rodney
Doreen Smith
Dosi Loverro
Emmanuelle Blanchet
Jacqueline Marshall
Jeanine Johnston
Jeff Schlicht

Joelle Roseszlosek
Jon Christine
Joy Hammond
Joy LeChien
Judy Messer
Julia Ann-King
Ka’Ro Miller
Kelly O’Rourke
Kesha Engel
Lena Nowmos
Linda Mae Costello
Lisa Ryce
Mark Cone
Marsha Schultz
Michael Mirdad
Michael Harder
Michael Canton
Michelle Buckley
Michelle Schmidt

Monica Brillhart
Monique Thebeau
Nicole Mira Simon
Pamela Bird
Peter Schaub
Robert Anderson
Semeli Parali
Sharon Wagner
Shelly Shaffer
Stephanie Clark
Susan Allison
Taleen Khatchadourian
Tiffany Haskell
Tracy Andersen
Valarie Hopkins
Vanessa Breton
Verena Eibl-Schauerna
Victoria Bennett
Zach Brubaker

If you would like to leave a testimonial about the Chaplain Program, please email us at office@theglobalcenterforchristconsciousness.com.

Chaplain Program Request Form

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Chaplain Program Request Form

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