Freedom At Last
By Joy Woolford
Here I am in my old stomping grounds
Going round and round and round
Seeing things, I’d rather not see
Knowing I have to look to be free
Feeling oppressed wherever I go
Knowing full well it’s the ego
Trying to bring me back into hell
Reminding me of the time I fell
To the bottom of the pit
Constantly swimming in dog …..
Looking up to see
The hand of God reaching for me
Pulling me out of this mess
Reaching down to give me a kiss
Saying it’s all going to be okay
This is just purging, release the fray
Only given what I can handle
Urging me to light the candle
To see it isn’t what it appears
Just parts of me still living in fear
I can rise above this I know
I’ve tasted the manna, I can let it go
It’s just a test to help me home
To a place that I will never be alone
It’s impossible to not benefit from this
Just remember that it will turn into bliss
That I will never leave again
With help from all of my friends
I can be where I’m supposed to be
In heaven which all along
Has been my destiny
I’m already there
Singing, singing, singing
I am free