
We Are All Mentors and Teachers

We are all mentors and teachers to others in one way or another — sometimes in a more official form than others and some of us take our role a bit more seriously. And, as I have often said, I personally take my role very seriously — possibly a bit too seriously. But the way I look at it, when we have people looking up to us as examples of a better life or as a role-model for spiritual living, I feel we should… do our best to shine brightly and be the best examples we can be.

Of course we are still human beings with human challenges but we can, nevertheless, manifest the Presence of God into our day-to-day lives. Speaking for myself, my thoughts are almost always on God and how to better myself as a spiritual being, as well as in my human activities — even though others may not always agree on what this should actually look like.

One of the best ways to better ourselves and improve our reflection of Divine Light on earth is by successfully passing through life’s tests. These tests are like battles in the mind/consciousness, not unlike a courtroom, with our ego playing the role of our prosecutor. Many of these inner battles end up manifesting in our outer life. Sadly, when we deny our part in this manifestation process, we end up attracting the same lessons over and over. That’s why the mythological “hero’s journey” is considered to be one of courage.

It Takes Courage

It takes courage to face what we know, on some level, will be waiting for us on the other end of our creations. And one reason we fear these creations is because we know they are all-too-often reflecting the moments when we have failed to pass our inner tests. And since denial of our failures of life’s tests is never a constructive option, the best thing to do is see it, own it, admit it, and then move forward into life’s next test. That’s why Percival (in the Arthurian legends), succumbs to his fears and fails at first to find the Grail but is permitted later to return and succeed at his quest.

“There are moments I find, when I’m inclined to do my best, but the negative wins, when I give in and then I lose the test. But not many times. Surely as life begun, you will, as one, battle with the serpentine fire.”
–From the song: Serpentine Fire (by Earth, Wind, and Fire)

Edgar Cayce once told how the person known as John the Baptist had previously lived as the prophet Elijah (which is a story verified by Jesus in the Bible). Cayce elaborated on this story by explaining that the reason John the Baptist was beheaded, by request of the daughter of King Herod, was because in his previous life as Elijah, that same daughter of Herod was a local queen in that lifetime who threatened to have Elijah beheaded, but he ran and hid from her. So in his life as “the Baptist” he chose to confront his fears and walk bravely into the face of death and by so doing, he became an Ascended Master.

Walk Away

Now this is a tricky “moral to the story” because we should all learn to face our fears but there are also times when we should also walk away from harm and abuses. So how are we to know which one to do and at which times? There is actually no perfect answer that applies to all people in all incidents. It’s usually wise, however, to follow this general rule: Try your best to face your fears but walk away if the reward of facing such fears becomes less impactful than the issues you face on your way to that goal.

In other words, it’s worth it to face your fears if it looks like the spiritual victory is worth it. For example, for one person the test could be to do a self-inventory but they might fear having to look at old wounds. In this case, confronting the fear is probably worth it because the end result of becoming a healthier person is greater than the inconvenience of having to look at your stuff. For another person, it could look like a test in love and patience to allow themselves to be physically abused but in this case, “hanging in there” is probably not worth it.

We Will Be Tested

Even Jesus had to face his fears–on a daily basis. We all have to. That’s why Greek mythology often tells us that we cannot become a god or goddess unless we first descend into Hades (hell) to be tested and it’s why Jesus is said to have “descended into hell” BEFORE he rose from the dead. Also, it’s worth noting that Jesus went to Jerusalem even though he knew full well that it was there that his friends would abandon him and he would be put to death. But the trade-off in his case was to face his fear of death in exchange for his ascension and the salvation of all mankind. So yes, it was worth it.

Facing Fears or Lessons

It has happened to me on several occasions wherein I had to face some fears or lessons. For example, before I took off for my current tour in Japan, it was predicted by a couple of people that I would somehow literally die on this tour–which is not exactly the best way to sell someone on going on such a trip. And about half way through the trip, I woke up one morning and found something neurological was short-circuiting in my brain.

My eyes were flipping around in my head and the room was spinning uncontrollably. The hotel people were adamant about calling an ambulance to rush me to the hospital, and I seriously considered their advice, but I laid on my bed and practiced the 5-step soul-level healing process described in my healing book. I also used my mind to call upon our Unity Chaplains to join me in prayer and soon there was a major shift in my status. Soon after, I got back to my private sessions and then began another 2-day workshop. I’m grateful that it was a quick recovery but I believe it’s part of the miracles that come from choosing to walk as closely as possible to God’s Light.

Being Tested

And despite knowing there could be some very challenging moments during this tour, I still “had” to go. I don’t mean someone forced me to go. I mean that there was no way I could not go. My death (and resurrection and ascension) was awaiting me and I would not flee from it.

So I ask you, what do you do in such moments of being tested? Do you walk into the fire or do you run away? And remember, running away can take many forms including: ignoring the call to experience a test, busying yourself with blaming others in order to avoid your test, or even failing to recognize the real lessons of the test. Whatever the case, how high we rise in consciousness is always proportionate to how deeply and responsibly we are willing to go into our fears. And when it’s time to face your fears, just do your best to be courageous, as well as maintaining as much grace and faith as possible.

Love & Light,


Learn more about Micheal Mirdad.