Have you ever stopped to wonder why you do what you do? Most people don’t! They just go through their lives making decisions on a regular basis but not knowing from where their decision came. This is not only true for major life decisions but also for the hundreds of decisions that we make each day (such as how much to tip a waitress or what we might choose to eat) without realizing that even these are decisions. What this ultimately means is…that most people go through life asleep and unconscious, rather than awake and conscious. It is our destiny, however, to become aware of each and everything we do and why we do it. This is the ultimate definition of mindfulness.
If we all paused for a moment to ask ourselves why we are making certain decisions, some of us would reply by saying, “…because I am a male (or a female)” Or “…because I am married (or single).” Some people might say it’s because of their nationality, their religion, or it’s what their parents or partners insisted that they do. However, to make any decisions from these (or any other) examples of an unconscious or un-empowered state of mind is harmful to all parties concerned. The truth is that the only inspiration behind our decisions should be whether or not something resonates with our higher good.
Examples of the wrong reasons to do something:
Doing something to get someone’s approval or attention, rather than working on our need for approval.
Telling someone you can’t get involved with them because you are in a partnership, which means that the relationship–rather than you–are responsible for the decision. It might be better to tell them that you are not interested or that considering a relationship with them is simply not where you are at right now.
Keeping a job because you “need the money,” rather than seeing the job as something you might be grateful for.
Eating certain foods to prevent illness rather than because you like the food.
Living in a certain region to avoid catastrophes rather than because you love the area.
So, if most responses are so dis-empowering and fear-based, why do we bother continuing this pattern of not taking responsibility for our decisions? Mainly because of the following two reasons (both of which are related to our refusal to take responsibility): 1) If we do something for the sake of someone else, then we can continue to play small and avoid our power as co-creators. 2) We are trying to avoid any “blame” that may result from our decisions in the event that the outcome is not good–which we expect to be the case because deep down we know that we are making decisions that lack spiritual consciousness.
There is an alternative way of living, thinking, and being…a way that results in positive outcomes that need not intimidate us. This alternative way of living is the result of learning to remain connected to God and humbly start our day by asking that all of our decisions be made from a higher place, such as: that which will bring the “greater good to the most people” Or that which will “manifest the most love and peace and joy” Or that which reflects “the greatest sense of humanity.” With such levels of consciousness as our scale on which we weigh every decision, we can be far more certain of a positive outcome–an outcome for which we can feel comfortable taking responsibility.
One example of being awake and conscious is learning to take responsibility for decisions that we usually pass onto others might be when we make a decision to do something and our reason for doing it is “Because if I don’t do it, it won’t get done.” Well this certainly sounds rational enough. But if we were to try letting the thing NOT get done we will find either that we could in fact get along without it being done OR that we actually prefer that it does get done. If the latter option is the case, we might then own that since we prefer the latter outcome, we then are choosing to now do that task because it is the best thing for us. In so doing, we now made a decision to recognize the goodness of our decision and are taking responsibility for making the best choice at hand. We now are awake and conscious and in alignment with the decision and will probably soon reap the benefits more-so than if we had remained irresponsible and disconnected.
Sadly, on earth, it is far too common for others to become annoyed or turned off when they witness our happiness and the numerous successes we experience by following such empowered Guidance. But will we then make a decision to not follow such Guidance “just because…someone else will not like it” OR will we stay true to what we know in our heart to be right? The first option might spare us a moment of discomfort by appeasing someone else but the second option brings a greater good and draws us closer to God. So which is really the “right” thing to do?
It’s important however, to remember that if our Guidance is truly from God, it usually is more for us and our own lessons than it is for others–meaning that even though we might share the wealth of the inspiration, we need not preach it to others. Also, if such Guidance is from God, it will usually be filled with love and support, rather than criticism and harm–meaning that we must avoid all attempts to justify our hurtful behaviors as being somehow inspirations that we were compelled to follow. In other words, if it’s God, it’s loving and if we are loving, we are God.