We’re already through the first quarter of the year and are now prepared for what the next quarter will offer. As I shared in a recent meeting/service, all of our committees at Unity are working incredibly well and sharing more love and collaboration than ever before. Our Board Members have been in their Board positions for a longer period than any others at Unity of Sedona and, over the past several years, we have been the Sponsors of the largest spiritual events in Sedona’s history. And we are just getting started. Within months you will see some of the incredible surprises we have in store.

For the time being, just look at the talent and events coming to Unity of Sedona this month. This is one of the reasons why we are the premiere center of spirituality here in Sedona. But the main reason is that people all over the world are now taking greater notice of who we are because we consistently teach and practice making God the first priority in our lives–followed by making it a priority to awaken the Inner Christ. This intention means having to purge away all people and issues in our lives that are not congruent with that goal, but such purging always pays off. It will pay off in your life, just as it has for us at Unity. It’s just a matter of keeping our priorities straight, staying the course, and being as loving and patient as possible.

If you haven’t been to Unity of Sedona in a while, you really should come by and check it out. The people, the grounds, and the vibrations are the highest in the area. And if you don’t live in the area, just check us out on Facebook Live. We started streaming our sacred services a few months ago and have already reached hundreds of thousands of people–with our mailing list growing by hundreds every month. We are so grateful to anyone who is playing a part in the growth of our consciousness and success.

Love & Light,


Learn more about Micheal Mirdad.