Greetings Everyone! As we begin the second quarter of the year, it’s time to let you know about one of our biggest plans for the next year or so: we are putting it out there to find a new property for Unity of Sedona. It’s been obvious nearly since my arrival that we need more room for attendees on Sunday. We really have maxed-out our space in the sanctuary as well as our number of parking spaces. Also, our current buildings are old enough that they need consistent work, which can be quite costly. So please help us manifest a new property through your prayers, donations, visualizations, and overall support.

In the meantime, we would appreciate it if you would all continue to attend our Sacred Services and other events as often as possible–especially if you live locally. In fact, many of you have already been kind enough to let us know that you occasionally watch our services from home–which is fine when you sometimes need to stay home to take care of yourself in various ways.

One thing is certain however; locally we are anchoring the Light of God and Christ Consciousness more than ever before. But now we are seeing evidence of doing the same thing globally through our online live services. And if you read the posts from our viewers from around the world, it is clear that many lives are being changed through our work at Unity of Sedona. And what I explained recently to our attendees (from near and far), the folks who attend in person are grounding the energy, intention, and Consciousness brought through in our services and those who view us online are the recipients of this joined effort, and then pass it along in their own way. So attending in person or online each have their own unique qualities and benefits, but if you live locally, it really adds a lot to Divine Transmission when you attend in person.

Love & Light,


Learn more about Micheal Mirdad.