We are now entering a new year—2020. For most people, there will not be much of a change between the last year and the new year, or any others years beyond for that matter. But that’s only because they know not a better way. And the reason they know not a better way is because they don’t want to know better. This is because the human ego prefers keeping people afraid of discovering a better way—a better way of life, love, and living.

Someone recently attended one of our sacred services at Unity of Sedona and said, “That was incredible! There was so much energy, power, and depth. Was that because it was a Holiday service or are your services always like that?” This was a wonderful and flattering comment/question. And it filled my heart to be able to say, with absolute certainty that “ALL of our Sacred Sunday Services are like that.” And I can’t imagine it being any other way.

A Real Commitment

The students I attract (in Sedona and all around the world) are not only dedicated to their spiritual path but also insist on going to the greatest depths and breadth of topics to experience the greatest personal transformation possible. That’s real commitment—spiritually speaking! But not everyone is ready to experience the greatest depth and breadth of teachings. There are many who do not yet feel prepared for that. There are also some who start off with a desire to learn at a deeper level but then regress back to something more basic. So it is right for them to approach their spiritual path from a softer, lighter perspective. And even though it might seem shallow to some of us, it’s still perfect because it’s right for them at that time.

As we enter a new year, we need to consider how much of a change we can handle in our lives OR do we live in such fear that we prefer no change at all? And even if we are too afraid to create a better, deeper experience, at least we can still make progress just by owning that we are too afraid to ask for more. So if you know anyone who prefers regressing or staying as they were, remind yourself that it can only mean one thing: it doesn’t mean they are “bad” or less evolved, but means instead that they are afraid and unfortunately, for now, they are allowing their fear to get the best of them. But what can WE do to help them or deal with such people?

Change what we can. Accept what we cannot.

If we experience others who are too afraid to make changes for the better in their lives, there are two options of how we might help them: 1. Change what we can. 2. Accept what we cannot. What this means is that we might offer suggestions to them as to how they might improve their life. But we might even take it one step further and practice being an example of what we are recommending to them. But what should we do if our actions and suggestions do not make any significant difference? Is it time to walk away? Not necessarily. We can still practice patience and give it some time. But if ever our attempt to help another person causes us harm or causes them harm, then it’s time to walk away.

But can being helpful really cause harm?

That’s like saying that good can be bad. Believe it or not, yes indeed, good can become bad. Being helpful can cause harm in lots of ways, most commonly in the form of the other person getting triggered or irritated simply by our presence—even without us saying or doing much. In such cases, it might be time to walk away.

There are exceptions of course. For example, when what we are doing is absolutely certain to bring good but temporarily is a bit inconvenient to others (as is found in the lives of people like Moses, St. Theresa, and M. L. King), then it’s probably right to continue moving forward. But if the potentially good outcome is being overshadowed by the negative reactions from those we are trying to help, then it’s best to walk away and find some peace and sanity—leaving the others to have a break—while we continue to send them prayers of awakening. Then trust that God will bring them another form of assistance from the right people at the right time.

Emphatic Request for More

At Unity of Sedona, I have asked on numerous occasions whether or not you folks are okay with the depth of our exchanges or if you would prefer that I teach on a more basic level. And each time I have asked, you have responded with an emphatic request for more. But you see . . . I still chose to respect you all enough to ask what you wanted. So be sure to remain open to the needs of others and honor those needs where and when you can—within reason of course.

But be sure to also honor what you want/need and prepare to create those changes for you in the coming year. After all, are you one of those people who sit around listening to teachers talk about the possible changes you can have in your life or are you ready to experience that new life? If you are part of the latter group, then let’s join together and walk the talk—as best we can—all the while celebrating the positive changes—before, during, and after they show themselves.

Love & Light,


Learn more about Micheal Mirdad.