This month marks the end of my eighth year at Unity of Sedona with God as our Guide, thus beginning my ninth year here as Spiritual Leader. I’m so grateful that so many of you have been with us for so long and helped me to prove to the world that a spiritual center can be created and run with God as our Guide, and mutual love, trust, and collaboration as our principles.
In nearly 40 years of working at several dozen churches, yoga centers, and spiritual centers, I have never seen anything close to what we have created at Unity of Sedona–thanks mainly to all of you.
During this month of September, it’s a good time to remain in alignment with nature by recognizing the final gifts of Summer–symbolic of reaping the gifts and benefits of the fruits we had previously planted. Soon after, we will enter a time of bidding farewell to the gifts of our work that have simply not yet materialized and must be released to be recycled. But in the meantime, let’s celebrate to all the goodness we’ve created in our personal lives this year AND for all the good we all co-created over the past eight years–creating a center that is having a profound effect on the world.
Love & Light,