This is clearly a time to allow things to “fall” away from our lives that are not in alignment with our coming new year, but remember . . . it doesn’t mean we are supposed to judge or resent the things we let go of. Instead, if they were positive experiences, we should give thanks for them. If they were negative experiences, we should give thanks for what we’ve learned from them. In this, we draw both into a positive vibration.
And although the Fall Season is about letting go of the past/old, it doesn’t mean we can’t also use this time to make new plans or begin new things. It merely means that the majority of our time and energy should be spent on going within to pay homage to things of the past and to listen for new inspirations for the future.
At Unity of Sedona, we are remaining in the flow of nature by continually listening to the input of our attendees (local and long-distance) as to what we no longer need and what we should now create. So we are beginning this month/season by thanking every single person who has ever participated in our services or events in any way (e.g. attendee, musician, speaker, etc.), as well as all former Board Members, Volunteers, Chaplains, and Ushers. We allow all our relationships and experiences to be seen as HOLY and embraced in the arms of the Divine Mother so she may recycle them into the next level of Inspiration for the coming year(s).
Lastly, we know that to whatever level we release the past and give thanks for all people and experiences, we are able to then welcome in the greater gifts of God (including our True and Divine Identity) during the Christmas Season. But before we begin to look to the future for our gifts, we must first focus on giving thanks, in the present. So thank you!