Let’s start by reminding everyone that the more we are “conscious” and put our conscious intention into something, the more empowered that particular thing becomes. The problem is, this law is as true for ego-based intentions as it is for God-centered intentions. So, many people seem proud when they can manifest something in their lives, not realizing that it’s still possibly an ego-based creation. The solution, of course, is to Create with God instead of with our ego. This is the topic of our annual FREE lecture on “Co-creating a New Life,” which you can read about in the ad below.
However, one of the main points I am leading to is how we, at Unity of Sedona, have co-created (with God) our best year ever–in 2017–and are already feeling the inspirations to create an even better year in 2018.
One of our best qualities is that we always do our best to end one year with healthy, thorough closure, and fully prepare ourselves to create the best new year possible with conscious intention. Following this annual process (as well as allowing Spirit to be our Guide throughout this process), is the root/foundation of why things go so well for us. All people, families, businesses, and spiritual centers would be wise to follow the same guideline–release the old and re-build the new–but to do so with God.
Here is a brief summary of what is newly unfolding for us: To begin with, we cleaned out our offices, cabinets, carport, etc. of things that were no longer needed. We then had (what might be) our last community yard sale–due to our lack of storage space. Next came the temporary ending of our Children’s Program–due to our Sunday school teacher being hired for a full-time teaching job. Then, with our primary cafe leader no longer being available for that position (having served us literally and metaphorically for a few years), we decided to shift our cafe to having only limited snacks–no longer a full lunch. And all of this happened to take place within weeks of each other, and it was all during the appropriate Fall season–nature’s time to let things “fall away.”
With such a perfect and profound level of letting go, comes profound miracles to replace that which was released. This is true for us all. So, during this same period, we noticed that we’ve had the largest number of attendees becoming members; we recently had several of the largest Chaplain Circles we’ve ever had; we currently have our largest number of consistently active Chaplains; this year was our easiest financial year; the number of people we reach throughout the world by streaming out our live services has grown to commonly be in the hundreds-of-thousands; and it’s evident to most people that the depth and power of our Sacred Sunday Services has reached an all-time high.
During one particularly incredible service in December, there was a palpable sense of Love and Divine Presence in the room, which instantly became a flow of new inspirations related to our direction. A group of us (Board Members and others) recognized how well we were doing with letting go of anything that was ready to be released. We then recognized that there was a slight pattern in many of these things…a pattern of releasing things that are standard for typical “churches” or spiritual centers throughout the world. And since we are far from a typical/average church, these things were now falling away–making room for us to become more of a pure expression of the Divine.
And as I looked out into the audience of attendees, it occurred to me that one of the most unique things about our center is that we have more advanced students of spirituality joining us than anywhere else in Sedona, or anywhere else than any of us have ever seen or heard. So we are going to recognize and embody that fact by altering the tag line of our name: Unity of Sedona–A center for masters and students on the spiritual path. We are also altering our mission statement to read as follows: Unity of Sedona is a spiritual center that integrates the paths of healing and spirituality to awaken the Inner Christ, creating a world of Love, Peace, Joy, and Abundance. In other words, this is what we are, so this is how we should be known. These alterations honor who we are, but also honors the advanced and beginner level of our attendees.
We pray that this all makes sense and that your spirit “gets it” and understands the flow we are in. Also, we pray that you can feel the powerful level of Love and Inspiration that is Guiding us towards new heights and levels of manifesting with conscious intention in the Presence of God on earth and in our lives.