Another Great Month

Isn’t it amazing that we are already entering the final quarter of the year and are moving towards the Fall/Winter Holidays–my favorite time of the year. October promises to be another great month at Unity of Sedona–with workshops, psychic fairs, and workshop presentations by local and non-local facilitators who are among the best in the field. We also have a very special event coming up this month in Sedona: The Health, Healing, and Happiness Conference. Although this event is world-renowned and usually has 2000 attendees, this is the first year it has been held in Sedona. So don’t miss it! Admission to the numerous vendors is FREE. And even the fee to see all of the speaker presentations is very inexpensive and discounts are being offered to Unity attendees. So join don Jose Ruiz and myself–along with numerous other speakers and presenters in the most comprehensive weekend conference in Sedona since the memorable 2012 Festival.

On another note, let’s all remember that this is the Fall Season, which means it’s time to do as much conscious releasing of the old, past, unnecessary parts of our life as possible. This can include the release of old personal items, as well as old photos, clothes, patterns, and relationships. Of course we can do such releasing any time of the year, but doing it now allows us to remain in harmony with the earth’s natural cycles. And since we do such a great job to remain aligned with both Heaven and the earth, we will do our best this month to assist our attendees in their own processes of release, followed by making room for a new and better life.

The Fall Season is also a time of giving thanks and we want to take this moment to thank every volunteer, Chaplain, usher, employee, Board Member, speaker, workshop facilitator, and attendee that ever shared their sincere love and support at Unity of Sedona. And I personally want to thank all of you as well, as I have now begun my eighth year as the Spiritual Leader. I have already set my intention to complete at least 10 years here. I pray that all of you are as happy with this goal as I am.

Love & Light,


Learn more about Micheal Mirdad.