I’ve been at Unity of Sedona now for around nine years, and the things we’ve been able to accomplish are nearly unbelievable. But to me, they are no surprise, as I’ve always believed in what I teach, and I’ve always taught that when we live a life connected to God, all things are possible.
As we look back over the past several years, we’ve obviously seen tremendous growth and change for the better at Unity of Sedona. But now, looking forward, one might wonder what could be left to accomplish. Well the good news is that spirituality does not always mean there are external changes to make.
But it does require that we are constantly self-aware.
We should be looking for anything we can do on a maintenance level to keep things as powerful and light as possible. So we continue to fine tune our wonderful center. We can’t add more spaces to our parking lot; we can’t enlarge the building to seat more attendees; and we can’t really do much more with our incredible landscape. But what we can do is continue to add more color, life, and positive feelings–inside and out. So that is what we will continue to do–manifest more of God’s Presence–in our premises, in our weekly messages, in our groups and workshops, and in our feeling of love and oneness. We ask only that you join us in this divine intention.
Of course we also ask that you continue to be as generous as possible with your tithes and donations–and with your consistent attendance–as this is the only way we can continue to operate. And by the way, thank you all so much–those of you who have been attending or watching online. You are truly contributing to the amazingly high vibrations we’ve all been experiencing lately.
Love & Light,