As we all know, people all over the world are still recuperating from a global pandemic and the financial backlash. Some of us barely noticed any of this while others had their life completely turned upside down. It really doesn’t matter which of these was your reality because we are all in this together.
If your life is still in upheaval, hang in there and do your best to stay connected to God/Spirit, as well as remaining personally sane. If you study my book and FREE videos on the “Dark Night of the Soul,” it will help to make much more sense of all of this. But while we are in the pits, it’s best to do our inner work-healing all that comes up in terms of fear, loss, confusion, etc. If, on the other hand, you have begun to emerge from the darkness and into the light, this marks a time when we should be gathering clarity about who we are and what we are going to choose for the next chapter of our life.
At Unity of Sedona, I am asking our Members, Chaplains, Board Members, and everyone else to prepare to enter this second half of the year with as much commitment, integrity, and inspiration as is possible. We have one Board Member who is stepping down after completing her 5th year-a full term as a Board Member. But we are raising our number of Board Members to 7-instead of 5. This new crew of Board Members are required to understand the value of positive thinking, inspired actions, cooperation, and collaboration. They are also being asked to understand the importance of making Unity of Sedona the most sacred space in the region, which means making sure that our thoughts, words, and actions remain clear and consistently supportive of our center and our attendees.
For the remaining half of the year, you can expect to see us sponsor incredible musicians, workshop facilitators, and special events-such as the monthly Sedona Psychic Fair AND the annual Sedona Psychic Equinox Festival. Of course our Sacred Sunday Services will continue to be some of the deepest, most powerful found on the planet. And yes, we can keep providing such quality events but YOU are the ones who have to commit to attending and supporting who we are and what we’re doing.
And it’s YOU and I that co-created this extraordinary experience that we call Unity of Sedona. There are THREE main reasons we were able to create this:
1) We have chosen to allow God/Spirit to be our Guide in all that we do.
2) We are no longer interested in settling for less than the best.
3). We believe in our ability to rise to the highest levels of consciousness-where we can be of greatest value to ourselves and to the people around us and to the planet. And in case you didn’t notice this list of three points, they reflect a commitment towards a greater connection with God, Self, and Others.