Like many topics within the realm of spirituality, the power of our spoken words is often misunderstood. For example, some people believe that we should always “speak our feelings,” while other believe that all of our words give “power” to things—and that we should therefore remain silent—especially when it comes to having negative thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
The people in the second group, however, do not realize that one of the best ways to diffuse energy about something is to talk about it. You may have noticed, for example, that when you are hurting inside about something but then talk about it, it tends to lessen the pain. Nevertheless, the people in the first group also have a point, as there is a down side to “talking” about some things. For example, sometimes, when we are making plans based on an idea or inspiration, talking about it can lessen the momentum, because we have allowed the creative energy of the thought to leak out through our words. This is why so many masters taught that it is best to keep our ideas to ourselves until the time for manifesting, and the fruits of our inspiration are ripe for harvest. This is also why the word “secret” is so closely rooted to the word “sacred.” It behooves us to have healthy, sacred (secret) thoughts or ideas that are not discussed openly, as this helps to avoid depleting the energy and motivation behind the idea. Of course, this does not apply to hurtful or ego-based thoughts and ideas that should be properly discussed and processed with a counselor or therapist.
When it comes to having negative, or unsettling, thoughts and feelings about global (or personal) events, we need to use proper discernment as to whether the issue is best discussed in the open or is best to be held within. If we choose to discuss it, it’s best to do so only if we are doing so constructively rather than with fear or gossip, and only with the intention of diffusing or releasing negative energy or emotions.
When it comes to predicted future events (such as impending storms, earth changes, and so forth), speaking about them can help to disperse the energy within them. If we encourage ourselves or others to openly discuss what we fear, it actually helps diffuse the power behind such events. Although speaking and writing about such things is commonly thought of as a negative thing to do, this concern is mostly harbored by students on the spiritual path who only understand one dimension of the laws of creative thought. The assumption is that if we think or say something, it will increase the possibility of its manifestation. This is indeed true, but only in the most basic sense. If, on the other hand, we choose to hold our negative fears and feelings within, they should be held not as a “secret” that destroys our mind and soul, but rather with an intention to process them and gain greater clarity around them—thus using our reaction to the issue to help us rise to a new level of awareness.
When it comes to having positive thoughts and inspirations, we must again discern whether it is best to speak about them or to keep them internalized. There are times when it is best to give voice to our inspirations, but there are also times when doing so disperses the energy behind them—thus causing them to lose power. If we do speak of them, one of the most empowering ways to do so is with affirmative prayer or decrees. Much like affirmations, decrees are a form of prayer that uses positive terminology. But decrees are also far more than that. A decree is not a mere thought or prayer, but rather is more like a love-based, spiritual command, spoken from a place of power and authority—which comes only when a person is centered in their divinity and speaking the power of God into their creation. Therefore, it is a good idea to only decree things (speaking about them with the commanding power God) when we are in a clear, empowering and inspired state of mind.
One of the most important things to remember, in regards to the power of our spoken words, is that increasing the chances of manifesting our thoughts and feelings through our spoken words comes not from merely speaking about them as much as from the core beliefs behind our statements. In other words, the more intensely we believe something, the more likely it is to manifest.
Again, our spoken words can indeed empower the manifestation of our thoughts, feelings, and even our external experiences OR can disperse the manifestation of our thoughts, feelings, and external experiences. The trick is to learn which one to use (empower or disperse), and when. There is no consistent rule to follow, as each circumstance is different. So it’s best to pray for Guidance to select the best method for which situation.