It’s during this time of year that nearly one-third of Earth’s population celebrates Christmas. This celebration focuses on the birth of Christ, or more accurately, the birth of the baby Jesus–who became the Christ
What most people don’t realize is that Christmas is not merely to commemorate the birth of Christ as Jesus but is actually meant to commemorate the birth of the entire Christ Being–which is all of us. In other words, our Creator gave birth (through thought) to Its “only begotten Son”–a Biblical statement that was referring to the birth of all of God’s Children–as ONE Child–the Christ. This meant all of us, rather than merely one person–Jesus.
A Reminder to Celebrate Our Own Divine Birth
Then, the birth of Jesus was a Divinely planned, globally impactful event that was commemorating the original birth of us all, as the one Christ Child. Every year when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we should also pause to contemplate how his Divine birth should remind us to acknowledge our own Divine birth. Then, we should choose to ask ourselves where, how, and if we are living up to the title. Wherever we are living up to it, we should give thanks. Wherever we are falling short, we should consider our actions and how we might make the necessary adjustments to then live as though we are truly the living Christ on earth.
To learn to see and accept ourselves as the Christ need not mean we should expect ourselves to live exactly as Jesus lived. But we certainly should follow his example of love, forgiveness, and immunity to life’s challenges–which are really just tests.
Besides developing a deeper awareness of the meaning of Christmas and the fact that it commemorates the birth of the entire Christ–as well as the birth of Jesus, we must also ask ourselves what then is the “second coming of Christ.”
To a Fundamental Christian the answer is simple: it’s when Jesus returns to “judge the earth and all its inhabitants,” followed by sending nearly everyone to hell for “eternal damnation,” and then ends up hanging out for the rest of eternity with a small handful of “good Christians.”
In actuality, the “second coming of Christ” is nothing like this at all. Instead, this glorious event–which will happen to each of us individually AND to all of us collectively–has several parts to it but the most crucial part consists of love and forgiveness techniques, which are outlined in The Book of Love and Forgiveness.