Jesus, the Christ, made several unbelievable statements during his time on Earth. Some of these statements can be very upsetting to those who prefer remaining in a limited state of mind. One of his most startling statements was in response to those who didn’t like people referring to him as “God” or as a “Son of God.” Most people don’t know it, but when Jesus was asked why he dared to refer to himself as a “Son of God,” he replied very clearly and said, “Were you not told in the teachings of your ancient prophets that ‘Ye are gods?”

We Are Co-Creators

To say, “You are gods” is such a direct statement that we might assume there would be little or no doubt or debate about its meaning. Nevertheless, some say the “G” should get capitalized and the passage then translated to be “You are God’s,” meaning that “You belong to God.” If this were the case, as the Fundamental Christians claim, then the word “God” would have been capitalized in the first place. Instead, the statement in both the Old and New Testaments (which are kept meticulously accurate), specifically do NOT capitalize the word because they were referring not to the Prime Creator but rather to “children of God” or “co-creators” or “second-level gods.” Therefore, Jesus was conveying a clear and direct message that, since we are God’s children and made in God’s Image, then we are indeed “gods/goddesses” or co-creators.

Nevertheless, do you think you could get away with referring to yourself as such? Can we put that on our I.D. or Driver’s License? Can we say, “I am the god Joe or the goddess Sue?” Not likely! Since God has already determined that we truly are gods and goddesses, doesn’t it seem a little unfair that we cannot (or do not) identify ourselves as such? And if so, will this ever change? The answer is simple. We can all begin referring to ourselves as divine beings when we begin acting as such. In other words we must be (and behave) as that which we would claim to be. When we act like fools, nobody seems to have a problem identifying us as such. The same goes for gods and goddesses. We sometimes say, “Act your age.” Now we can equally say, “Act your title.”

So what does it mean to be a god or goddess? Classic mythology explains that, besides there being a “Supreme Being” (God), when the universe was created, there came into existence supernatural beings (gods and goddesses), that became the co-creators of the universe (including planets, trees, water, and all living things). These co-creators are YOU and ME in our soul-level consciousness—before we fell into more and more dense levels of human awareness.

Losing Our Divine Minds

Ancient myths tell us that gods and goddesses ceased to exist because, over time, they had children with mortals (symbolic of our allowing thoughts of limited thinking). Then these children (now being only semi or demi-gods/goddesses) further corrupted the divine genetics by similar means, thus reducing the new offspring to mere heroes (super humans), who then similarly mated with mortals and gave birth to our current race (average humans). This is all a metaphor of how we gradually allowed our mind and beliefs to have intercourse with the illusion of materiality, thus causing us to “lose our (divine) minds” and become limited human beings with lives that seem to be out of our control.

Humans became relatively standardized in terms of our “powers,” when our identity (and therefore our powers) was diminished. We became average human beings (laborers, mothers, fathers, artists, etc.) experiencing the illusion of pain and limitation with no apparent way out—other than the hope that if we live several hundreds or thousands of lives properly, we might one day evolve back to the experience of being heroes and then eventually live as gods and goddesses again. There were always the exceptions to the rule, of course, wherein some human beings lived as heroes and exhibited a greater abundance of courage, creativity, and intelligence than others. But now it’s time for more and more people to recognize their ability to be heroes (masters) and shine their light brightly until they ascend back into the consciousness of being a god/goddess. This evolution is our destiny but do we really have to wait for hundreds or thousands of years for it to arrive? Not if we learn to step up and make it a practice to live and behave like true gods and goddesses.

Remembering Our True Divine Nature

Whether we choose the long road or short road, the journey back to becoming heroes and then gods/goddesses is roughly the same:

  1. Practice love, integrity, and compassion.
  2. Share your unique qualities or gifts (such as healing, teaching, and creativity, but also possibly athleticism, inspiration to others, and other physical or even intellectual skills) with the world and the people around you—reminding them that they too are heroes or gods/goddesses
  3. Next, the hero (or god/goddess) rises up to a level of mastery, humility, pure intention, and service, then the Supreme One—God—takes the next step and draws you back into the total memory of who you really are.

This prescription to enlightenment isn’t different from the path recommended by Buddha:

  1. Be a good person—which comes from healing old patterns and from disciplining yourself.
  2. Dedicate yourself to your spiritual path and your relationship with God—through prayer and meditation.
  3. Share all that you gain in the first two steps with others in the world—by sharing your light and experiences with those in need—thus drawing more souls home to God. It is this that makes you the equivalent of a mythological hero and sets us all on our course to becoming a god/goddess.

One of the most important concepts in this journey is that any and all stages can take thousands of years or just one lifetime—depending on both our choices and our actions. We must act and be as the divine beings we were created to be. But how? A day at a time.

Although it’s possible to completely remember and experience our divinity in just one single moment of holy thought, it’s not likely without taking the proper measures to heal the false, limited, or wounded parts of ourselves NOR without taking the proper measures to become a human hero—by first practicing to be a loving and compassionate person with the highest integrity possible. In Greek mythology we find this process depicted in the story of Hercules, who is put through a series of labors (life’s tests) which he passes adequately enough to ascend from being a hero to a god.

We have not only lost sight of our divinity as gods and goddesses, but have also forgotten what it means to behave as one. The saddest thing of all is that we have reduced even the very idea (thus our capability) of experiencing the life of a god/goddess to being mere myths, legends, fantasies (as though romantic poems or fairytales) and even then, only for our casual amusement.

Daily Life as a God/Goddess

What do you do, personally, on a day-to-day basis to become a hero, a living master, thus a god/goddess? Do you feel the inspiration and power of a god/goddess? Do you have the physical stature, health, or love and compassion of a god/goddess? Do you allow relationships and/or sexual experiences only with people deserving of a god/goddess? Does your home (no matter how humble) reflect that of a god/goddess?

If you are weak in any of the above areas, are you doing anything to change it? Remember, if you’re not contributing to the solution, then you are contributing to the problem of remaining trapped in the thoughts, actions, and beliefs that you are a mere mortal, a limited human being. Since the word “mortal” means “to die,” this then means that you are choosing to live as though you are dead, rather than accepting the immortal life that God gave you on the day of your creation. But as long as we are alive, it’s not too late to re-write our story, this time choosing to be a living god/goddess.

michael mirdad