February 2, 2017
by Linda Mae

Do you feel the Calling deep within your Soul?
…the Calling to Love?
…the Calling to live in a better world?
Do you feel it?
It’s been there since time immemorial,
And it will be there for all eternity.

For that is who we are.
We ARE the Love that creates such a world.
It’s up to US to do away with all of the illusions
of that which is not,
to release them to the All That Is,
so that what we think we know
is transformed into the Glory of the Kingdom,
to Dance on the land in harmony and communion.

We are the Seeds of Earth’s Awakening.
May we remember in every moment
To be the Love we think we seek,
And in so doing, we have it.

Love loves Love,
And Love really IS the Answer
To that Calling
Deep within our Collective Soul.

michael mirdad