Will you pray with me? 


I pray now, will you pray with me?

For the time taken to read this poem

To drop the despair-hate-guilt veil, 

To end our separation with Love

Will you pray with me?


That we know in our perfect depths 

That we are all children of God

That we are all the family of God

Will you pray with me?


not to a fake-splintered human-god 

but simply to One God, spoken of,

As One in all that is, in all of us Now!

Will you pray with me?


For us not to get caught in

philosophical soul-less labels 

To let go odd ideas we cope on our own

Will you pray with me?


To fight to end one-upmanship

forgive all, stop competition, cooperate  

To not birth our errors of aloneness 

Will you pray with me?


To not know better than anyone, 

fight to surrender our ‘small knowing’

To One ‘all knower’, carer for us all 

Will you pray with me?


fight to know, no human fights work 

fight to know our happiness

Is soley our awareness we are One 

Will you pray with me?


So we accept, allow, our barely,

conceivable-waves of magnificence 

to flow, as God wills, us to flow 

Will you pray with me?


So we can remember not only 

this now, but enact it, connect with it, 

feel it, know it, let it, consciously Be 

Will you pray with me?


That our purpose and lifeblood

Is living-alive motivated to choose

Only to join our embers as A Flame

Will you pray with me? 


To seek what truly seeks us only

That we know this is God, is Love 

Breathing in, as and through us all

Will you pray with me?


to know God is here now,

Our Heavenly Mother, Father,

Our Brother, Sister, Son,

Daughter, all Our ‘living’ relationships!

Will you pray with me? 

That Life itself, Our Holy Spirit, Bliss,

Our Power, Love and Healing Glory 

Is here, Being-Flowing, Now-Forever! 

And so it is!






Graham Hill