Now more than ever we pray that this email is reaching you in good health and good spirits.
You certainly must know by now that the global community is dealing with a virus that has many states mandating that people remain in their houses. We too have been recommending that you assist in limiting the spread of this virus by remaining at home (whenever possible) AND that you follow the recommended standards for sanitation.
Therefore, most of our weekly group meetings have been temporarily postponed, and in regard to our Sacred Sunday Services, we will continue to broadcast the services around the world (as well as for locals to watch). However we recommend that you watch our services from home until further notice.
On another, but related, note…
Please know that it’s clear how challenging it can be to remain at home and isolated, but we are planning to help you with that. First of all, we suggest that you use some extra time each day to connect with God through prayer, meditation, etc. We also advise that you use your extra time to clear out your homes, offices, garages, etc. of all past items you no longer need nor use.
We’re going on Zoom!
Last, but not least, we are organizing a virtual meeting space on Zoom where any you can log in and connect with other members and attendees of Unity of Sedona. That way, we can chat, offer support, and interact. This site is open and available and active 12 hours per day. In other words, you can sign in at any time between 9:00am–9:00pm and be part of the lectures, music, poetry, and open discussion going on. It’s like having access to your spiritual family–which is always great but you might find it helpful now more than ever.
This program needs to be monitored by a few volunteers who will take turns overseeing or hosting various hours of the site. Basically it’s like our own TV channel, but it will all be live. And instead of our attendees just being viewers, you will also be allowed to contribute to the content–if you choose. This is expected to be up and running tomorrow (Saturday). The ZOOM meeting ID (password) for this event is 597-708-4618. If you want to volunteer or present, please email our Unity office ASAP. You can find out more by watching this short video.
We will hopefully see you all in person again soon. But in the meantime, we urge you to clear your past, remain healthy in the present, and fear not the future.
Love & Light,