We have kicked the year off with a beautiful burst of Light. Thanks to you, we closed last year without any debts (for the first time ever) and we’ve accomplished the same for the month of January. This is greatly due to our Sunday donations, our annual pledges, and our Sponsorship Program. To any of these that you contribute, we thank you. If you do not yet contribute, please consider doing so.

This year, we have our best schedule of events and guest speakers than we’ve ever had–including very special events such as the upcoming Deva Premal concert. Also, I personally am honored to be co-facilitating a workshop this month with acclaimed author of The Way of Mastery–Jayem. Lastly, many of our programs–such as the Ushers, Chaplains, Volunteers, and the Cafe Team–have all been reorganized and brought to a whole new level of love, community, and success.

But besides all of the incredible things we are seeing externally, there are even greater things happening internally. There is still a growing “vibe” in the air that can only be described as “love in action.” That’s right! While the rest of the world (including those who called themselves loving and spiritual people) are building a fervor of hate and division in the world, we keep sowing, watering, and feeding the seeds of Love and Oneness. I pray this is no real surprise to you. After all, at Unity of Sedona, we are merely staying true to our commitment to “awakening Christ Consciousness.” This was never meant to be another one of those fad-like, pseudo-spiritual promises. We meant it! And we will continue to “practice what we preach.”

Every Sunday we (and most others who teach on our premises) teach that God and God’s Children are One and that we are all on a path towards remembering our Oneness. And now, to distract us all from this inevitable goal, there are people trying to tempt us into seeing National and global division and feeling hate for those who are supposedly the “bad guys.” What nobody wants us to see is that even the supposed “good guys” are ALWAYS gaining money and power by pulling us off our center and gaining our support.

So believe what you want, but the only thing that matters is love, and there is no real love but God’s Love. And God’s Love has nothing to do with the behaviors of any person or group that tries to polarize themselves into good guys and bad guys. So this is just a grand test. I advise that we all stay clear, stay clean, and remain centered in God. After all, if the world ended tomorrow, those who are upset today will return again tomorrow to experience more lessons of love and forgiveness. But those who are peaceful now, will find themselves forever in the Peace and Oneness of God

Love & Light,


Learn more about Micheal Mirdad.