Dear Friends: I pray this email finds you well and healthy. Many of us are familiar with receiving emails from spiritual centers, emails that teach or encourage us to discover how to manifest a better life—all of which is helpful and true. But I want to take a moment to remind us all to also be an example of such changes for the better. It’s fine to “tell” others what they might do to improve their life, but any of us who choose to “live the life” of awakening the inner Christ, know that the best way to teach is by example.
So for ten years now—at our Sedona center—we have been teaching all about “Living the Christ Life,” which means to anchor the Presence of God with our being and in our day-to-day lives. However, we also have done our best to be a living example of this intention. Of course being an example is far more challenging than merely speaking or teaching about something. Living the Christ life means recognizing that all eyes are on us—looking either for a way to judge and hate us OR a way to love and forgive us.
Be Something of Beauty
But this path means choosing to be something of beauty (inner beauty) to look upon—something that can change people’s lives by our very presence. This is what A Course in Miracles means by “Teach only love for that is what you are.” It means that we must all come to recognize that our thoughts, words, and actions are always teaching ourselves and others who and what we truly believe we are. So if we seem fearful, defensive, and aggressive, and living a life of distrust, judgement, and lack-mentality, it would imply to all that we feel empty inside and that we don’t really think very much of ourselves.
What is the cause of such low beliefs? Unhealed wounds and negative programming. What is the solution? Inner healing—which must include forgiveness—and co-creating a new life with God as our Guide. I highly recommend using the seasons as a general guide to take you along the path of life. In the fall season, for example, we take advantage of nature’s call to let go of things we no longer need or the things that do not resonate with the higher good, and better life, that we seek. At Unity of Sedona, this recently meant bidding farewell to our old property in order to make room for a new, and incredible, property.
Allow Loss to Be Part of the New
Like anyone, we can feel the sense of loss through change, but when we learn to allow loss to be part of the new (like compost to feed a plant), then there’s really nothing to mourn—as that which was, is simply born anew. This is true for people and things in our outer life, as well as for anything and everything in our inner life.
We have not yet entirely entered the fall season so there is still time to pick fruit from the summer trees and enjoy them, as well as share them with others—which is again living the Christ Life by example. So whatever fruit you have (e.g. joy, money, encouragement, prayers, possessions, etc.), ask God to Guide you as to where, when, and how much to share it so that you can make the greatest difference possible. Let’s leave as little as possible on the trees of life to rot and whither away. Let’s share what we can while the season allows. Then, all that is leftover and seems to have no further value, can be turned into valuable compost for our future when the fall season fully arrives.
Love & Light,