ICAN THINGS REALLY BE TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE? michael-mirdad-Monthly Message


The word “good” comes from the word “God.” That’s why Jesus said, “Only God is truly good.” Once upon a time, the word and the concept “good” was revered as much as we might revere the word “God.” We can see evidence of this in the lyrics of a Christmas song that says, “So be good for goodness sake,” which is synonymous to saying, “So be good for God’s sake.” In other words, God is good and true goodness is God, or of God. These two words were/are one and the same.

As mankind gradually lost their way and disconnected from God, they also disconnected from good or goodness. And once we lost sight of God and goodness, we developed a saying: “It’s too good to be true.”

Although there certainly might be moments in our lives when something felt too good to be true—such as having a dream about a loved one who passed away but in the dream they were alive again. But when we woke up, they were still dead. So what we dreamed was too good to be true. And despite those rare moments when such a statement might be true, it’s a very sad thing to know that we’ve become used to using the statement on a regular basis. We’ve even come to believe that God and goodness are too good to be true. It’s as though goodness—and all else that God is—is just a pipedream and that such goodness can never be true nor lasting.

When we observe the general lifestyle of the human race, it’s easy to see that when someone’s heart and soul is moved or touched in a way that is too good or too powerful, their head ends up kicking in, planting seemingly tangible reasons to make us doubt the goodness and authenticity of the magical moment.

Someone can have a near death experience wherein they see God, only to wake up in the hospital with doctors telling them that it was nothing but their imagination or a “neurological process” that they experienced—as though it can’t possibly be true that they saw God. So it was too good to be true. Someone can experience an act of unconditional love or a random act of kindness, only to end up being told that the person giving such must have had ulterior motives.

The bottom line is that God is good and when we commit acts of goodness in any form, we are—in that moment—being the presence of God on earth. But then the fear and ego-based thinking, that is rampant throughout the world, will try to scrutinize the goodness so thoroughly, we will have no remaining desire to maintain our faith in that goodness. And as the world continues to descend into a place of darkness, our job is to never give up and never lose faith in the goodness we received from others nor in the goodness that we have brought to others.

When such thoughts and doubts arise in our own mind or through the words of others, the easy thing to do is to cave-in, which will inevitably result in an emotional hangover called depression. There are people who observe the powerful work we are doing at The Global Center for Christ Consciousness and end up allowing themselves to exclaim, “It’s just too good to be true”—as though something this good can’t possibly be real. It’s sad really because it speaks to how much hurt and distrust they are carrying from the past.

The better option is to notice goodness when we see it and fan that spark of goodness into a flame that can bring warmth and light into the world. And if the people around us prefer falling prey to a world of fear and doubt, so be it. It might be time then to surround ourselves with a different group of people—those who still believe in the magic of goodness.

Love & Light,
Michael Mirdad

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