Vendors are offering Soul Analysis, Celtic Soul Centered Readings, A Body Tuning Table, Akashic Records Reading, Goddess Empowered Jewelry, Crystals & Psychic Protection Grounding, Native American crafts and Readings, Color Silk Readings, Chakra Clearings, Handmade Herbal teas, Tarot Readings, Didgeridoo Sound Sessions, Channeling loved ones through your Angels and Guides and more.
Speaker / Performer Schedules in Sanctuary
10:00-10:40am AMANDA ROMANIA – Akashic Records
11:00-11:40am JOHN DUMAS – Native American Flute
12:00-12:40pm MICHELLE PHILLIPS – Group Past Life Regression
1:30-2:10pm PHAEDRA – Sound Bath
Purchase your ticket at the front door or in advance – call 928 282 7181